Monday, November 2, 2009

Mini Series- Take 3

My third and final painting in the mini series. I wanted to put the sea glass in a totally different place, which is why I flipped it over and put it in the bottom corner of the canvas. I was interested in how the wire would look on top of the crystal. I also really wanted to create an ocean type of feeling. So made the shadow lighter than the paper to make it seem like waves were coming off of the sea glass.
I think on a whole my mini series was a learning experience. I hated working on it but I got new idea on how to perceive objects. This was pretty successful for my first mini series, in my opinion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love how the orange from the paper shows through it helps the necklace stand out instead of blend in lie it probably would have if you didnt do this. Good Job!